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MSF supports Haitian health authorities in cholera vaccination

News & Events > News & Stories > MSF supports Haitian health authorities in cholera vaccination

Port-au-Prince, 20 December 2022 – Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams in Haiti are supporting the cholera vaccination campaign launched by the national health authorities. This campaign is the latest effort in response to the resurgence of the disease, which has affected more than 15,000 people and caused more than 300 deaths in the country since the end of September. On 12 December, the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) received 1.17 million doses of cholera vaccine from the International Coordinating Group, a mechanism to manage and coordinate the provision of emergency vaccine supplies to countries during outbreaks.

“We support the vaccination campaign in Cité Soleil, one of the most cholera-affected areas of Port-au-Prince”, says William Etienne, MSF emergency coordinator. “Our teams are helping with the transportation of the vaccine doses and other items, facilitating the movement of the MSPP vaccination teams, distributing soap and other hygiene items, and taking care of waste management.”

The ongoing cholera resurgence comes at a time when the population is already facing enormous difficulties in accessing health care. Fuel is becoming progressive available after weeks of extreme scarcity due to the blockage of the main oil terminal, but insecurity and violence combine with an unprecedented economic and social crisis to make access to basic services extremely complicated.

“Though the pace of contamination has apparently slowed down recently, vaccination remains a very useful tool in a fragile health context such as this” says William Etienne. “Haiti has been hit by a major cholera epidemic in recent past”. MSF teams have been part of the cholera emergency response since the first few patients were identified. We quickly opened several cholera treatment centres in Port-au-Prince and in the Artibonite province, work to provide access to clean water and run health promotion activities.

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